Pastel pencil drawing on paper
59.4 x 84 cm / 23.4 x 33.1 inches
This practice was extremely interesting because of the lot of shiny objects in the background and the anatomically correct presentation of a full, standing body.
Pastel pencil drawing on paper
84 x 59.4 cm / 33.1 x 23.4 inches
This practice was interesting because of the lot of details. The hands with rings holding worn guns, the clouds, palm trees and the ship made this image exciting to draw it.
Pastel pencil drawing on paper
59.4 x 84 cm / 23.4 x 33.1 inches
It always worth the time working on a complex background. This practice was interesting because of the lot of details. The zip coat and jumper, worn jeans, fog in the background with the castle are different and exciting parts for drawing them.
Pastel pencil drawing on paper
59.4 x 42 cm / 23.4 x 16.5 inches
It is always challenging drawing portraits of people. Apart of giving back the details, it is important to catch the expression of the individual, that makes them unique.
Pastel chalk drawing on paper
84 x 59.4 cm / 33.1 x 23.4 inches
Practice of drawing metal. Shiny surfaces always reflect the colours of the environment. They seem to be grey, but on the medium, they have got a wide range of colours.
Pastel pencil drawing on paper
21 x 29.7 cm / 8.3 x 11.7 inches
Variations of a self-portrait, to explore the different personalities I have. I prefer making art in the night. I often describe myself an intellectual vampire. Artists generally experiment, then explore their conclusions in their works. Taking something from people, to make yourself. Working in the night means, I survive the days with a huge amount of coffee. It isn’t difficult finding me in the daytime with a mug in my hands.
Colour pencil drawing on paper
21x21 cm / 8,3x8,3 inches
Cartoon drawing needs a special style. For having own one, the artist needs lot of practice to improve own solutions for presenting hair, face features, objects, shadows.
Charcoal and pastel pencil drawing on paper
84,1x59,4 cm / 33,1x23,4 inches
Charcoal is excellent for creating dark tones, exploring the contrast in shadows and light. This piece has been drawn on white paper letting the main theme white. As a final touch I used some pastel pencil for giving different tones for black and white.
Oil painting on canvas
100x70 cm / 27.5x39.5 inches
My main interest is the human, including portraits, clothes and the whole appearance of people. I prefer painting princesses as they are excellent for practicing detailly clothes, hair styles.
Oil painting on canvas
50x70 cm / 19,5x27,5 inches
The original image is a photo of a model I worked with many times as a makeup artist. This picture touched me as I feel, as most of the artists, that I don’t fit, I’m too complex.
Oil painting on canvas
70x50 cm / 27,5x19,5 inches
Sunset is one of favourite themes of me. The colours and mood of it strongly depend on the environment. Exploring a sunset of a particular region needs strong skills in colour mixing.
Oil painting on canvas
70×50 cm / 27,5×19,5 inches
Some shiny objects, like glasses, cutlery or cars reflecting not only the light, but also the environment. Exploring these objects need eye of details.
Oil painting on canvas
30x40 cm / 11,8x15,7 inches
One of the very first oil painting practices. Portrait painting is always a big challenge, as faces are unique not only because of the details, but the expression of the model.
Oil painting on canvas
70x50 cm / 27,5x19,5 inches
Sometimes it’s easy to find inspiration, sometimes not. When I feel the need of creating, but I don’t have an idea, I often place a blank canvas, or tools around me. This piece of canvas was there so long, I had the impression, that it whispers to me.
Airbrush painting on paper
107x77 cm / 42x30 inches
The painting is a practice of how to use the airbrush. The image touched me deeply with the curiosity and innocence of childhood free from concepts about predestination.
Watercolour painting on paper
59.4 x 42 cm / 23.4 x 16.5 inches
Practice of painting reflection in the eye. I found challenging giving back the details of the whole environment, own shadow of the camel, another one next to it, the desert and the blue sky along with the reflection of the eyelashes.
Watercolour painting on paper
59.4 x 42 cm / 23.4 x 16.5 inches
Practice of using complementary colours. The original image has been orange. I found, that using warm and cold colours as well gave a special mood of this image.
Sculpture of electronical devices
180 cm / 70.9 inches
My work reflects two aspects: the political situation we live in and the new online world that strongly transforms society. Furthermore, the connection of these aspects...
This work asks us to reflect on how we define ourselves and others. Much like the bridge, which has transformed yet remains a symbol of connection, we too are constantly in flux, even as we seek to present a fixed identity...
The main message of my work is that we make judgement on each other. This is based on our education. We decide what is good and what is bad and we are just slightly flexible in this.
Engraving on perspexes
59.4 x 84 cm / 23.4 x 33.1 inches
I have always been interested in music. I studied music for 8 years in my childhood. I haven’t been motivated enough to be a musician, (I am motivated in drawing) but my friends have been, and I experienced very soon that I have the same attitude as them...
I began this project by reflecting on the unique perspective of those who, like me, are not native residents of Nottingham. People born in Nottingham likely know the city through personal memories tied to specific places, yet they may not have a distinct first impression of it...
Under the Surface invites viewers to consider the hidden layers beneath everyday appearances, suggesting that significant, unseen forces often shape our social landscape. Like migration and other large-scale movements, the true depth and impact of these forces only emerge with closer, more thoughtful examination...